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Processing Language

September 14, 2011

Processing is an open source, high level programing language and environment that can be used to produce graphic images, animations, and interactions.  It supports both 2D and 3D rendering as well as OpenGL.  Processing is often used by artists and animators, but we will be using it as a leap-pad to conceptualize and create some “Robotic Art”.   The basic idea involves creating a grid in Processing that consists of M x N pixels (the amount of which can be controlled by how the code is written.)  We will then write some simple code that will illustrate the desired movement of our robot along that grid. Having more pixels will allow the robot to move in a more precise and smooth fashion. However, this increased resolution will come at the eventual cost of memory space and amount coding required.  The processing environment is very friendly to our cause. Because of its ease of coding and use it will quickly allow us to determine how we want our robot to move and what types of commands will be necessary to achieve this goal before we begin any in-depth coding in another language.

More info on Processing is available at:

From → Robotics

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